UPDATE: Adblock protection has been re-enabled since the publishing of this article.
In a shocking turn of events, EventHubs has once again removed its adblock protection, allowing users to view EventHubs completely unmolested by ads from local electronic goods distributors. Eventhubs has also removed the startling Akuma face which would appear for AdBlock-enabled users, forcing them either to pay a subscription fee or quickly search google for one of the many workarounds.
EventHubs was unavailable for comment.
How do FGCNN readers feel about EventHubs's flip-flopping on consumer policy? Let us know in the comment thread below!
Amidst a growing opinion that the FGC is steadily marching into another recession, the ever-present debt crisis has claimed its first victim: Tournament Organizer Party House Member Lapchi's Canada Cup Series, which first gained notoriety through its highly successful
$8.95 campaign. Lapchi has gone on record to state that he is rejecting negotiations for a new budget plan and is closing the doors to Canada Cup for good.
Insiders report that the proposed, more strict budget plan would no longer allow for necessary tournament expenditures such as double-shot Jager Bombs and shots of Absolut.

The disease known as Collusion (Colludus Cashmoneyus) was thought to have been eradicated thanks to the hard work of FGC figureheads MarkMan and Spooky. However, recent studies have shown new virulent strains are spreading, and the research suggests that they may be smuggled from overseas. Resident FGCNN correspondent Corey Spondant traveled deep within the trenches of Twitch.tv to unearth this shocking new information.
UMVC3 Top Player Killer Kai has revealed that he himself took part in facilitating a Collusion contamination at The Run Back, a popular FGC weekly. He continues on to name fan favorite KaneBlueRiver as the perpetrator. This marks the first time that an international player has been confirmed as a disease smuggler and carrier, though rumors persist that others continue to commit these acts on our soil without public knowledge.
If your tournament is showing any symptoms such as weak-ass grand finals and severe hype-othermia, shut down your stream and seek immediate medical attention. Parties found guilty of spreading the contagion will face penalties of up to a life sentence of looking like a bitch and having your EVO tournament privileges revoked indefinitely.
KaneBlueRiver was not available for comment.
Collusion spark |
After an extended retreat to California, UMVC3 President and TOP Party Speaker Chris G returned to the East Coast with newfound criticisms and allegations directed toward the region he presides over.
While many are convinced that many of Christopher G's accusations are baseless, our fact checkers here at FGCNN have found many to be true; most notably, his claim that his constituents are "fake high school kids". FGCNN was unable to verify enrollment of of the East Coast Administration in any of the high schools in and around the Tri-state area. FGCNN advises that, if you live in the surrounding area and see any FGC members impersonating school-goers, you immediately report them to the police.
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This compounds the trend of unrest amongst leadership figures in the FGC. East Coast Majority Speaker Sanford Kelly recently issued a statement regarding the competitive crisis which has been prevalent on the east coast since the EVO incident which occurred earlier this year. Sanford blamed the crisis on the infant excrement-like softness of his administration and consistent lack of voter turnout for its elections.
Leaders are in disaccord as to how best deal with free-falling stream attendance and sponsors withdrawing their endorsements.
Government might not be the only thing shutting down as Ryan “Filipino Champ” Ramirez seems to be pushing his roommates to the brink. After a recent trip to Mexico, Ryan and Golden Boy Neo both suffered staggering losses to Christopher G, but the real battle seems to be in their back yard, as intercepted twitter communication seem to suggest.
F.Champ and Neo discuss seriously |
UMVC3 chair member Golden Boy Neo, along with UMVC3 President Ryan 'Filipino Champ' Ramirez, have passed initiatives to extend the rent ceiling, despite lacking consent of FGTV House Speaker Long 'ShadyK' Tran. This is yet another indication of failed negotiations and overall deterioration of diplomacy between the FGTV members, which analysts say is headed for a inevitable breakdown and dissolution.
" LOL WTF no one told the rest of the roommates that. good job and friends with proper human consideration" -ShadyK